
Post 10: Exploring New Skills, Data Tools, and Technological Growth: A Reflection

  Interactive PowerPoint^ Welcome back to the 24/7 trap spot blog post i n this blog series, I invite you to join me on my journey of continuous learning and technological exploration as I strive to cultivate a more innovative and effective learning environment for myself and my students. Together, let's embrace the opportunities for growth and discovery that lie ahead. Reflecting on my recent experience working on Assignment 5: PowerPoint Interaction, I've gained valuable insights and honed my abilities in creating engaging multimedia presentations. While I appreciate the creative freedom and interactive elements this assignment offered, I also encountered challenges, particularly in mastering the difficulties of PowerPoint functions. Moving forward, I aim to enhance my proficiency in this area by dedicating more time to practice and seeking additional resources to expand my knowledge base. Moreover, envisioning my future role as an educator, I recognize the importance of lev

Post 9: Enhancing Classroom Experiences, Exploring OER, and Mastering PowerPoint!

 Hello, welcome back to the Trap Spot blog post. As I reflect on my journey in EME2040, I find myself submerged in a whirlwind of learning experiences, both enlightening and challenging. One aspect that stands out is the classroom experience. What I appreciate the most is the interactive nature of the sessions. Engaging in discussions, collaborative projects, and hands-on activities has truly enriched my understanding of the subject matter of the different educational technologies. However, there are moments when the rigid structure of the classroom stifles creativity and individual expression. As I envision myself in the role of a future educator, I realize the importance of fostering a dynamic learning environment where every student feels valued and inspired. Implementing diverse teaching strategies, encouraging open dialogue, and embracing flexibility are some of the steps I aim to take to enhance the classroom experience for my future students. Open Educational Resources (OER) are

Blog 8: Webpage Design ft. AI

Website:  Welcome back to another 24/7 trap blog post where today we will be discussing the ever-evolving world of technology and education, I've recently embarked on a journey that has not only broadened my skill set but also deepened my understanding of the association between design and functionality. Working on this web design assignment for class has equipped me with invaluable skills that I can carry forward in my career. Through this project, I delved into various design principles such as simplicity, consistency, and visual hierarchy. (The webpage you're viewing was created by me but I blog under a Pseudonym : Michelle Pourier)  For example, on my website, I strategically employed Color Theory in crafting my "About Me" flyer located under the " About Me " tab. Pastel colors were deliberately chosen to evoke specific emotions aligned with the atmosphere I aimed to create for students and families visiting my webpage. These hues, often associated with

Digital Classrooms

    In today’s interconnected world, the role of technology has become more prominent in our everyday lives. In education it has become vital that teaches have a website dedicated to who they are, what they teach, and their experiences as a teacher .  A s educators, the mission of teaching extends beyond the confines of physical classrooms; it encompasses the vast expanse of the internet, where knowledge knows no bounds and learning transcends traditional boundaries. Welcome to the 24/7 trap spot blog, where we will be talking about the significance of teacher websites, exploring how they serve as dynamic hubs of information, collaboration, and inspiration for both students and educators alike. For today's blog, I researched some web pages that elementary school teachers maintain for their students. I looked into two teachers' web pages at  Canopy Oaks Elementary School  in the Leon County area. On Mrs. Dana Stoke's webpage, she has only two tabs, the first is like a virtu

Web 2.0?!

     Gone are the days of traditional chalkboards and memorization; enter the era of interactive, collaborative, and dynamic learning experiences facilitated by Web 2.0 technologies. From social media platforms to cloud-based classrooms, these tools offer unparalleled opportunities to engage students, foster creativity, and cultivate critical thinking skills. Join us today on the 24/7 blog trap spot as we embark on yet another journey into the rapidly evolving world of education and transformative potential of Web 2.0 tools. Diigo is used to organize shared online resources with many features like i ts bookmarking and annotation. Diigo transformed my approach to online research and collaboration as a student. Its bookmarking feature allowed me to easily organize and access relevant resources for my assignments. The annotation tool encouraged me to engage with course materials by highlighting key points and adding personal insights. Additionally, joining collaborative groups enabled me

Digital Divide or Digital Drift?

 In an age where connectivity is often praised as the cornerstone of progress, there exists a breach that threatens to deepen societal inequalities, known as the digital divide. Welcome back to the 24/7 trap spot blog post and today we are exploring the multifaceted issue that surpasses geographical boundaries, socioeconomic status, and generations. As we discuss this topic today we will dive into the factors that contribute to this divide that casts shadows on education, employment, healthcare, and even democratic participation.  To begin with personal experiences of using social medias like X/Instagram to broaden my PLN (personal learning network) I have actively engaged with educators and professionals that specialized in whatever subject I was struggling with, which at the time was math. Khan Academy was one of my best ways of understanding many ways to complete complex math equations. Online they provided you with step by step assistance when practicing questions. I also would use

Blog 4: Wild World of Tech Standards

"Read me a story" by  Terri Mattioni  licensed under  CC BY-ND 4.0 DEED       Welcome, fellow tech enthusiasts, to the 24/7 trap spot blog where we dive headfirst into the world of technology as it relates to teachers at the elementary level. Buckle up, because today our topic focuses on technology standards the unsung heroes and villain's to the digital age.  Let us focus our attention on the entry level into education, Kindergarten . The technology standard for them examines a range of digital technologies to create and publish writing, including working with peers, under the supervision and support of adults. This through the use of technologies like smartboards, scholastic activities, online storybook creators, and digital creative spaces like paint. Based on my current skill set I feel prepared to implement this standard because with resources like the smartboard it allows the students to hear and visualize words, letters, numbers. This also allows for the students