Blog 8: Webpage Design ft. AI

Welcome back to another 24/7 trap blog post where today we will be discussing the ever-evolving world of technology and education, I've recently embarked on a journey that has not only broadened my skill set but also deepened my understanding of the association between design and functionality. Working on this web design assignment for class has equipped me with invaluable skills that I can carry forward in my career. Through this project, I delved into various design principles such as simplicity, consistency, and visual hierarchy. (The webpage you're viewing was created by me but I blog under a Pseudonym : Michelle Pourier) 

For example, on my website, I strategically employed Color Theory in crafting my "About Me" flyer located under the "About Me" tab. Pastel colors were deliberately chosen to evoke specific emotions aligned with the atmosphere I aimed to create for students and families visiting my webpage. These hues, often associated with nostalgia, innocence, and calmness, were selected to instill a sense of comfort and reassurance. I believe that by submersing viewers in these gentle tones, students will feel at ease when seeking information or updates on assignments. Additionally, by incorporating pastel colors, I ensured improved readability, especially for darker text, thus enhancing accessibility for both students and their parents. Moreover, I upheld consistency throughout the flyer by keeping uniform fonts, ensuring seamless cohesion between my name and other details provided.

Furthermore, AI (Artificial Intelligence) played a significant role in assisting me with the creation of content for the website. I utilized ChatGPT to generate ideas for the website's content, and while it proposed numerous suggestions, I ultimately decided to include a summer reading list and a musical library. Under the "Academic Resources" tab, I curated the reading list and provided links to the Scholastic website, where most of the books could be found for under $5. I also ensured that parents who might be unable to afford these books could access them at public libraries across the city. The musical library has a diverse range of resources, including books, math functions, and language arts materials. This innovative approach stems from the understanding that music can stimulate the brain, and given that many students enjoy music, linking it to academic subjects could foster increased interest in various topics.

On another note, Grammarly has become an indispensable tool in my daily life. I rely on it to correct sentences, emails, papers, or any content intended for someone else's viewing. Before submitting any work, I carefully review it multiple times to ensure coherence and clarity of information. I have been an active member of Grammarly for five years, and its contribution to enhancing the quality of my written communication cannot be overstated.

As stated before, using ChatGPT in class has been a different experience because the created stigma around using AI makes it hard to use in class as an educational tool. However, despite initial reservations, integrating ChatGPT into classroom activities has provided valuable insights into the capabilities and limitations of AI chatbots. However,  it's essential to address concerns regarding data privacy, algorithm biases, and over-reliance on AI-generated content. As an educator, I aim to educate students about these issues and foster critical thinking skills to evaluate and contextualize information provided by AI chatbots.

Finally, I believe AI tools can enhance productivity through various prompts and interactions, generating ideas, solutions, and even draft essays. I will use AI in my classroom similarly to assist students with generating ideas for projects, enhancing their grammar, maybe to assist them with the understanding of literary terms like symbolism and metaphors in literature. Through strategic implementation of AI tools, I aim to create a dynamic learning environment that maximizes student engagement and fosters academic growth.


  1. Hi! I really liked the colorfulness of your website, it makes it really fun to look at. I also how like easy it to navigate through all the pages of your website. I also really liked how you used pictures behind the headings of all your different pages, it really caught me eye!


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