Post 10: Exploring New Skills, Data Tools, and Technological Growth: A Reflection


Interactive PowerPoint^

Welcome back to the 24/7 trap spot blog post in this blog series, I invite you to join me on my journey of continuous learning and technological exploration as I strive to cultivate a more innovative and effective learning environment for myself and my students. Together, let's embrace the opportunities for growth and discovery that lie ahead.

Reflecting on my recent experience working on Assignment 5: PowerPoint Interaction, I've gained valuable insights and honed my abilities in creating engaging multimedia presentations. While I appreciate the creative freedom and interactive elements this assignment offered, I also encountered challenges, particularly in mastering the difficulties of PowerPoint functions. Moving forward, I aim to enhance my proficiency in this area by dedicating more time to practice and seeking additional resources to expand my knowledge base.

Moreover, envisioning my future role as an educator, I recognize the importance of leveraging data collection tools such as Qualtrics for survey administration in the classroom. As a third grade elementary school teacher, I envision utilizing Qualtrics to gather feedback from students on their understanding of complex mathematical concepts and their learning preferences. By analyzing survey data, I can tailor instructional strategies to better meet the diverse needs of my students and foster a more inclusive learning environment. Furthermore, utilizing Qualtrics will enable me to track student progress over time and identify areas where additional support may be needed. By implementing data-driven approaches, I aim to empower my students to take ownership of their learning journey and achieve their full potential in the realm of science education.

Reflecting on our visit to the technology sandbox at school we were introduced to coding for the first time through these games they had and I found myself wanting to learn more about the world of coding. Looking ahead, I am excited about coding languages such as Python to develop interactive simulations and educational games for my students. By mastering coding fundamentals, I can create dynamic and immersive learning experiences that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. To achieve this goal, I plan to enroll in online coding courses, participate in coding workshops, and collaborate with peers to share insights and best practices.


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