My take on Digital Natives

 Blog Post 2: 

My experience: 

In my experience through K-12 words didn't become a thing to learn until middle school. In the elementary school I attended we wrote our essays old school...that's right paper and pencil. When I went to sixth grade that's when Word became more available the school district I was in provided all of their students with a free Office 365 subscription. This meant we were provided with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, note, outlook, etc. The first time I used Microsoft was to create a brochure for my sixth-grade literature class. The brochure had to be based on the different settings from the book "The Westing Game" that we were reading. Now that I am in college I use many word-processing apps such as Grammarly and Google Docs. I prefer to use Grammarly to help me with punctuation, wordy sentences, and other improvements in my writing then I paste that into Google Docs because they are better at catching my citation errors than Grammarly is. 

Agree or Disagree: 

The term digital native is the new "boomer" for young people and their relationship with technology. While I am a "digital native" there is a distinct difference between my teachers who are "digital immigrants" and myself. For example, when a teacher would put on a video for the classroom and the audio didn't work they would always look to the students for assistance. Another example would be when COVID-19 was around and students had to do their school work online not being able to fully understand Canvas because they were used to in-person class work. 

ISTE Standard:

The ISTE standard that most appeals to me would have to be Designer because I like how it uses computers to make the work and learning space more interactive. Within the K-12 realm, I believe teachers can use designs to accommodate all learning styles by using tests to understand where children struggle. Using technologies to design authentic learning activities and foster deeper learning focuses on using real-world scenarios and workforce-related learning to produce competent citizens. Moreover, Standard 2.5c of Designer focuses on the use of digital learning environments to engage in individualized learning and using that space to track the progress of students. 


  1. Hi Michelle! I think it's a really good thing in elementary school you used pen and paper instead of word or google docs, I feel that it's really important for children to learn to write that way. I completely agree with your definitions of digital native and digital immigrant and I had many of the same experiences in classrooms with my teachers when they wouldn't know how to work technology. I picked Learner as the ISTE Standard that stuck out to me the most but I think Designer is super important too!


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